
Intuit ProConnection® Newsletter: Easy QuickBooks Document Management
"SourceLink® 5.1 Standard Edition from Personable Inc. is a fully integrated document management system for QuickBooks accountants and bookkeepers and their clients. Sourcelink lets users file, retrieve and organize source documents by associating them directly with QuickBooks records."
- Intuit ProConnection® Newsletter - Vol. VIII, No. 7 

ProAdvisor Review: Score 9.44 (Spectacular!)
"SourceLink® 4.1 Standard Edition gives you the ability to file, retrieve and organize source documents associated with QuickBooks records."
- By QuickBooks® ProAdvisor Susan Gaswirth from Intuit

Success Story: CPA Stays Organized with SourceLink®
"SourceLink and QuickBooks will save time, postage, file space, and headaches in the future!"
- Margaret Colman, CPA and the Certified ProAdvisor


Intuit Market Place: Ranked 5 stars from Customers Ratings  


QuickBooks Solutions Marketplace
"This affordable QuickBooks add-on is a great way for small businesses to get into document management”
- Bonnie J Nagayama CPA and President of McWilliams & Associates, Inc.


QuickBooks Solutions Marketplace
"Sourcelink Tech support was very available and responsive to my feedback and they solved the problem with an upgrade very quickly. The program is easy to install. The program is unobtrusive - if you don't open the Sourcelink Window you're not aware of it”
- RP Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Get in Control in QuickBooks with SourceLink Management Edition
"Add SourceLink to your shopping list of innovative technology tools that will help you get things done better and faster. SourceLink ME is a powerful tool for businesses that are using QuickBooks. It is directly integrated with QuickBooks to give you the tools you need to control your finances better. "
- John Higgins, The Sleeter Group Article


Documents Management Review
"The Management Edition of SourceLink incorporates the workflow automation tools that provide you with the functionality to help you keep better tabs on the cash flow of your business."
- John Higgins, CPA.CITP, Strategic Advisor and co-founder of CPA Crossings.


SourceLink 5.1 Document Management System - A compelling solution for QuickBooks users
"I strongly recommend you get a demonstration of this software so you can see how easily and effectively it allows you to organize the documents that support your QB transactions.  With the ability to link a scanned document to a particular transaction you can save a lot of time looking for the necessary paperwork when creating a sales invoice or paying a vendor bill. In addition it helps you secure better internal controls by having direct access to the original document from within QB, as well as the ability to route documents for approval."
- John Higgins, CPA.CITP, Strategic Advisor, CPA Crossings, LLC.

Link your source documents to your QuickBooks transactions with highly rated SourceLink 4.1.
"This useful tool has proven itself again and again in the marketplace, as it has been used by accounting professionals and their clients to stay organized."
- By Intuit

SourceLink Works    
"One thing I appreciate is the folders and files and scanned documents are not embedded in QuickBooks, but are on the client's hard drive (or elsewhere) and can be accessed directly through Windows Explorer. The cost is worth it and I highly recommend it to anyone who needs to keep documentation together for any reason. "
- By J. Lowry "QuickBooks ProAdvisor"


Awesome QuickBooks Add-on For 2007!
"SourceLink lets users instantly store and retrieve financial records - bills, invoices, customer agreements, etc. - directly from QuickBooks."
- By Doug Sleeter, The CPA Technology Advisor and The Founder and President of    the Sleeter Group

SourceLink® Grabs the Gold
"Award winning gold certified SourceLink, from Personable Inc., automates the flow of documents to save thousands of dollars every year for its users. "
- By Intuit



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